I can't enter a stage because my resident's morale isn't high enough.

You aren’t required to bring a resident with you into a stage, so try removing that resident from your lineup. Each resident’s morale can be replenished by using a species-appropriate elixir (for example, if the resident is a Brownie, use a Brownie Elixir). You can get elixirs by doing favors for residents or by completing missions.

Why can't I enter Event Isle?

Once Event Isle has been unlocked, it will re-lock itself after 30 minutes. In addition, if the date changes while it is unlocked, it will also re-lock, even if it’s been less than 30 minutes.
If you want to re-unlock Event Isle, tap the “Re-Unlock” button and use a special key, and you’ll be able to enter Event Isle again for another 30 minutes.

What is Event Isle?

Event Isle is a special land that you can only visit for 30 minutes a day. It changes depending on the day of the week, so make sure to visit it on days when it has the kind of items you want.


◆Event Isle’s Schedule
①Monday (Isle of Darkness)Shadow buds/seeds
②Tuesday (Isle of Flame)Fire buds/seeds
③Wednesday (Isle of Water)Water buds/seeds
④Thursday (Isle of Wind)Wind buds/seeds
⑤Friday (Isle of Light)Light buds/seeds
⑥Saturday (Isle of Silver)All buds (and a higher chance of finding Metalkins)
⑦Sunday (Isle of Gold)All seeds (and a higher chance of finding Goldkins)


Event Isle will be relocked once 30 minutes have passed since unlocking it, or once the date changes. You can unlock it again by tapping the “Re-Unlock” button and using a special key, or you can just wait for the date to change.

Where is the boss doggon?

Boss doggons can be found on the deepest floor of each land’s innermost area (Stage 2). Once you’ve reached a boss doggon’s stage you will see the words “BOSS BATTLE,” and the stage will be wrapped in an aura of light.


Once defeated, boss doggons will occasionally drop doggon meat, a doggon-only item type.

What stats do I have?

①HP (Hit Points)
When this falls to 0, the game is over.

②ATK (Attack Power)
Affects how much damage can be dealt to enemies.

③DEF (Defense)
Affects how much damage is taken from enemies.

④RES (Elemental Resistance)
Affects how much damage is taken from enemies’ elemental attacks. The higher this stat, the less damage is taken.

What are the different status ailments, and what do they do?

Status ailments are conditions that have some sort of effect on either the protagonist or monsters.


The different status ailment icons are shown above the HP bar. You can see more information on these effects in the Status section of the sub-menu. Some spirit runes and enemy skills are also capable of inflicting status ailments.


①Poison → Deals a small amount of damage at the start of a turn. (negated by Hum)
②Burn → Deals a large amount of damage at the start of a turn. (negated by Hum)
③Seal → Disables rune usage.
④Exhaustion → Halves your stats.
⑤Sleep → Disables all actions.
⑥Hum → Recovers a small amount of HP at the start of a turn. (negated by Poison and Burn)
⑦Stuck → Disables movement.
⑧Feeble → Disables attacks.
⑨Quazo → Turn into a quazo and deal only 1 damage.
⑬RES Down
⑭Fixed Dice Rolls
⑮Roll either 4, 5, or 6, or just 1 or 6
⑯Two Dice
⑰More Dice Numbers


Status ailments generally disappear after enough turns have passed, and can also be cured with certain runes.

Can I redo missions I've already completed?

No, once a mission has been completed, you can neither do it again nor re-collect its reward. You can check your missions in the area info section, which appears when selecting a stage, and in the sub-menu while on the field.

I just saw that an area now has a "Stage 2." What does that mean?

“Stage 2” is a more challenging difficulty level for that area. Once you have beaten Stage 1, you will then be able to play Stage 2, which has different monsters to defeat and new items to collect.

What does "Power Up" and "Evolve" do?

①Power Up
Power up spirits by giving them potatoes, which raises their EXP. Potatoes of the same element will raise the spirit’s EXP more than usual. If you give a spirit their preferred kind of potato (shown as an icon) it will raise their rune level by 1.


◆Special Power-Up
Special power-ups are a lucky occurrence that give spirits more EXP than usual. When and where they occur is completely random.


Once a spirit has reached their max level, you can give them a jewel to make them evolve. Evolving changes a spirit’s appearance and raises their level cap.
(In order to evolve, spirits must be at their max level, and you must have enough evolution materials and coins.)

How do I put together a good spirit lineup?

You can bring up to 3 spirits with you into a stage as long as the lineup doesn’t exceed your maximum cost.


①Assault Runes
Set a spirit to an assault slot to use these. They increase your HP, ATK, and RES, and let you use attack spells that deal damage to enemies.

②Support Runes
Set a spirit to a support slot to use these. They increase your HP, DEF, and RES, and let you use support spells that can assist you in numerous ways.


Spirits can only be set to either an assault slot or a support slot, and whichever one you choose can completely change how to best make use of that spirit’s abilities. Try to find a spirit lineup that best suits your play style.




◆Example: Sizzic, a fire spirit


Assault Rune: Hot Stuff
Effect: Deals fire damage
Support Rune: Sizz On!
Effect: Raises attack by 20% and fire resistance by 20%




Sizzic may be optimized for assault, but he can also boost your stats in a support slot. Furthermore, his fire RES can be very useful in stages with lots of fire-based enemies. Try using your spirits in both assault and support slots depending on your current situation.